Space Saving Ideas for Small Bathroom Remodels and Renovations

Space Saving Ideas

Small bathrooms can be tricky to modernise without a bit of creative thinking and imagination. Luckily for you, Rize Construct are experts at small bathroom remodels and renos so we have some tips on design ideas that maximise the space you have.

Keep Your Colours Bright

Choosing whites and pastels will make the space seem bigger, so this is a no brainer really. Bathrooms are traditionally quite light anyway but if you are going to choose darker colours you will need to make sure your lighting and natural light are very good otherwise your small bathroom will seem smaller.

Mirror a Wall

As opposed to hanging just one above the basin or vanity unit, mirror a whole wall. This, like lighting, will make the whole space seem bigger, especially opposite a door. It doesn’t have to be full height but will reflect more light and also can save money on tiling. You could just opt for multiple mirrors too as this will achieve the same result.

Remove Your Shower Curtain

When remodelling or renovating, the whole point is not to replace like for like, you will have more choices. If you have a shower curtain, no matter how functional, replacing it with a glass shower door or removing it completely will increase the sense of space dramatically. 

Use Custom Cabinetry

By having your cabinet(s) custom made, they can maximise the space you have much more effectively than off the shelf units. There will be an additional cost, but the things you will be able to achieve will be far greater, especially regarding space and not just design and aesthetics.

Move Your Towel Bar

Your towel bar doesn’t need to be on a wall. If you have a floating vanity unit it can be placed on the side or on the side of another unit or small partitioning wall. If you have created enough space with cabinets you can remove it completely and replace it with a boxer floor standing holder.

Full Length Ledges and Shelves

Hob walls are currently in vogue but you can achieve the same effect with a full length shelf or ledge. This can be a piece of unique wood which will look unique and bespoke or a sleek standard shelf that runs along one whole wall. Usually looks best along the narrower wall and great for placing mirrors.

Rethink Your Sink

There are so many more choices now than ever, allowing you to have a corner sink, shelf mounted or free standing. Any of which could look better and free up more space depending on your bathroom’s shape. Utilising the space below is crucial or using a smaller or corner sink will all give you more space.

Here at Rize we specialise in solutions for small bathrooms and you’d be surprised what can be achieved with even a modest budget. Give us a call for a free consultation.

Rize Construct